From 15th October, Marlborough Gallery presents Maggi Hambling: 2020. This exhibition of recent paintings coincides with Hambling’s 75th Birthday, marking both a moment of looking in - a self-reckoning - as much as a commentary on the world, responding to the seismic events of the present.
Hambling’s ‘twenty twenty’ clarity of vision, her search forthe truth, is evident through several interconnecting series- from the exploration of her own existence to mankind’s inhumanity to man and nature.
To provide a safe environment for our staff and the visiting public, a limited number of visitors will be permitted within the gallery. Visitors must wear masks for the duration of their visit and maintain social distancing. We require the full name, phone number, and e-mail for each person visiting the gallery. A log of each visitor will be maintained for contact tracing. Book your visit now via Eventbrite.
