Mike Bouchet & Paul McCarthy

Double Deck

Jul 10 — Sep 10, 2014
New York, Chelsea

Marlborough is pleased to present Double Deck, an exhibition by Paul McCarthy and Mike Bouchet. 

Contemporary art transgresses the very notion of the artwork as it is commonly accepted and understood. The artistic act no longer resides in the manufacture of the object but in its conception, in the discourses that accompany it, the reactions to which it gives rise, and so on. The work may be ephemeral, changing, biodegradable, blasphemous, or indecent. This is the work of McCarthy and Bouchet, who work on transient installations that challenge the status and the very architecture of the building that welcomes their show. Sometimes they go to extremes, mocking popular icons, like the Walt Disney industry, while also touching on religion and other topics. Therefore their works are situated at the junction of sensationalism and popular culture. The two artists are known for removing familiar objects from their usual contexts and transforming them into something unexpected. In their work, they explore the subversive universe of consumerism and idolatry, through an effort aimed at disorienting the viewer.

Mike Bouchet and Paul McCarthy are making work that is critical within art spaces, art institutions, and their own role in art. By this very virtue, they are also opening up methods of creative gestures, emphasizing the artists role as comedic relief, and creating situations that touch on important points in our time through the use of humor and artistic observations.



Bouchet mccarthy, bilbao battleship 1, 2014, 70.9 x 45.25 in 180 x 115 cm
Bilbao Battleship 1, 2014, oil on canvas, 71 × 45 1/4 in., 180.3 × 114.9 cm
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Installation View
Bouchet mccarthy, gary 1, 2013, 39.4 x 59 in. 100 x 150 cm
Gary 1, 2013, oil on canvas, 59 × 39 1/2 in., 149.9 × 100.3 cm
Bouchet mccarthy, liam neeson battleship, 2013, 94.5 x 67 in. 240 x 170 cm
Liam Neeson Battleship, 2013, oil on canvas, 94 1/2 × 67 in., 240 × 170.2 cm
Bouchet mccarthy, double deck monty carlo, installation view 8 (email), marlborough monaco, 2014
Installation View.
Bouchet mccarthy, mies van der rohe, 2013, 59 x 39.4 in. 150 x 100 cm
Mies Van der Rohe, 2013, oil on canvas, 59 × 39 1/2 in., 149.9 × 100.3 cm
Bouchet mccarthy, new museum team, 2013, 59 x 39.4 in. 150 x 100 cm
New Museum Team, 2013, oil on canvas, 59 × 39 1/2 in., 149.9 × 100.3 cm
Bouchet mccarthy, richard meier, 2013, 59 x 39.4 in. 150 x 100 cm
Richard Meier, 2013, oil on canvas, 59 × 39 1/2 in., 149.9 × 100.3 cm
Bouchet mccarthy, rihanna battleship, 2013, 94.5 x 67 in. 240 x 170 cm
Rihanna Battleship, 2013, oil on canvas, 94 1/2 × 67 in., 240 × 170.2 cm
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Installation View.
Bouchet mccarthy, double deck monty carlo, installation view 4 (email), marlborough monaco, 2014
Installation View.
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Installation View.
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Installation View.
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Installation View.
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Installation View.